Cannot find or init potplayer dll

Hello at all.I'm sorry for my english.PotPlayer is the best media player,but,after the new release,version 1.6.51480.0,when i install updates. 这个是说找不到或不能初始化 potplayer.dll 这个文件。这是一个动态链接库文件。出现这种情况的原因可能是你原来安装过的软件中有这个文件,而且系统在启动时要调用这个文件,现在可能是你卸载了这个软件,所以这个. 运行时出现"cann.VIA EPIA-ML800 mini ITX主板,via c3 800的cpu,512的内存,显卡和声卡都是集成在板上的。系统是ylmf 的xp sp3。安装了potplayer 39xxx,运行时. 如题,系统win7,x64,64位potplayer播放器,明明同一目录有potplayer64.dll此文件。百度一下,有说与mac,type不兼容,有说汉化问题,只有1000多pb币,求解。,cannot,find,or,init,potplayer64.dll. 把PotPlayer软件卸载重装一下。可以把potplayer卸载了,原因是开机启动项里面有potplayer开机启动,而且这个软件有问题打不开。. 각종 질문, 요청을 할 수 있는 공간입니다.(휴대폰 관련 내용은 휴대폰질문 게시판을 이용해주세요.) 1) 뽐쿠폰을 사용하시면 좀 더 빠르게 답변을 받으실 수 있습니다. potplayer.dll이란 파일이 다음 팟플레이어의 구성 요소로서도 존재하지만. 다음 팟플레이어가 시작 프로그램으로 실행이 될 리는 없습니다. 网友求助:开机跳出"cannot find or init potplayer.dll. 问题开机跳出"cannotfindorinitpotplayer.dll. 最佳答案 把PotPlayer软件卸载重装一下。. 如题,系统WIN7 X64,64位potplayer播放器,明明同一目录有potplayer64.dll此文件。百度一下,有说与mac type不兼容,有说汉化问题,求解,自己路币不多,1000路币酬谢。 求助 cannot find or init potplayer64.dll ,傲视网. 【求助】这什么情况?.一直都用着的,前几天还用得好好的,今天突然就不行了下来最新版的试了也一样,看了下这个文件是存在的金山毒霸、金山卫士关了也不行,删了注册表初始化也不行怎么解决?. What's PotPlayer.dll? How to Fix PotPlayer.dll error? registry entries or fix other registry issues related to PotPlayer.dll file and it could save your time and risk to find and delete them by yourself. as this infected PotPlayer.dll file cannot work properly. potplayer64.dll 是potplayer64位上的一个必须dll如果提示cannot find or int potplayer64.dll 就下载这个放到那目录去. Issue I get is. Error:Cannot find or init PotPlayer.dll. Any ideas anyone? Moggy. PotPlayer.dll is modified or hacked. 30/6/17 09:40. 远景论坛 - 微软极客社区 › 论坛 › Windows7 主题论坛 › Windows7 互助区 > cannot find or init potplayer64.dll. 开机提示cannot find or init potplayer。每次开机都提示。 - 862067. PotPlayer.dll 네이버 금융감독원 파밍 PC 관련 TIP / AD-SPIDER 다잡아. 보안 제품에서는 악성 DLL 파일(PotPlayer.dll)만을 제거하여 부팅시 "Cannot find or init PotPlayer.dll" 에러(Error)창을 생성할 수 있습니다. Страница 3- PotPlayer Медиаплееры. Основные функции и возможности плеера: Высокое качество воспроизведения Поддержка современных видео и аудио форматов, DVD, Blu-ray (без меню), 3D видео, Шейдеры, Захват. Download Portable PotPlayer Online (0.8 MB) 24/12/18 Online installer is also setup extractor if found PotPlayerSetup.exe, PotPlayerSetup64.exe, OpenCodecSetup.exe. PotPlayer.dll下载页,解决缺少PotPlayer.dll和没有找到PotPlayer.dll的问题. Hello.It's possible,maybe from Regedit,to remove this new feature from PotPlayer? "Added a function at program startup to determine whether. PotPlayer 绿色版是一个 程序KMPlayer的一些弊端,姜龙喜先生为改进播放器本身的一些性能而重新用VC++进行构架 cannot find or init potplayer.dll报错的同学,估计是64位的,请下64位版的PotPlayer 或者补上这个. Apr 17, 2017 · I am trying to create a dll file using swig for an embeddedR C Program in windows environment. cannot find symbol "Embeddedrcall_Init Getting "cannot find symbol. Cannot find file:/// make sure the path or Internet address is correct. After I click the OK button the computer then runs fine. I can use my computer but would like to get rid of this annoying problem. • On what OS it is possible to establish Daum PotPlayer? Questions on Daum PotPlayer use: potplayer.dll ivgs modified or hacked I've gone through preferences several times but cannot find a "border" setting. Any helps?. 1 PotPlayer Overview; I've listed some directories where you can find various amounts of interesting things like readmes or changelogs. by default PotPlayer uses "FFmpegMinimum.dll" but I went with "FFmpeg.dll". 由于 PotPlayer 内置了非常 这个…win8 64位无法运行,用管理员模式也是这样…提示说 cannot find or init potplayer64.dll. 回复他/她 2013-08-11 23:15:29. _shift__. May 17, 2016 · I am attempting to link an application with g++ on this Debian lenny system. ld is complaining it cannot find specified libraries. The specific example here is ImageMagick, but I am having similar.